Women hold 35 of jobs in the audiovisual industry

The jobs held by women in the audiovisual sector represent 34.84% of the total jobs held by the sector (8,150). Compared to 2018, there was a growth of almost a thousand jobs held by women in the industry.

This is what the report details “The Argentine audiovisual industry from a gender perspective”presented by the team of Audiovisual Observatory of the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA).

The work systematized the data of the participation in the different lines and forms of promotion carried out by the institute, disaggregated by gender and distribution in the national territory, to know the situation of women and diversities in the sector.

During 2021, 20% of the national films released were directed by women, while in 2020 it was 11% and in 2019 it was 21%.

According to the results of the report, during the last decades some progress has been observed in terms of gender in the Argentine audiovisual industry, especially in the growth of the percentage participation of women in roles considered team leaders.

The study also indicates that according to data provided by the Union of the Argentine Film Industry (Sica) women worked more days than men.

By Geeke