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If you are new to options trading, you’ll want to learn all you can about the different types of options, including Expiration dates, Value, Spreads, and strategies. This article will give you the basics of options trading so you can begin making money in no time. Keep reading for more tips and strategies. After you’ve completed this article, you should be well-equipped to trade options successfully. Read on to find out more! And remember, the more you know about options, the better off you’ll be.


There are many different ways to structure options and combine them with one another. An options spread is a position in two or more option contracts based on the same underlying security. Options spreads can be simple or complex, and they can be used by both traders and investors. Options spreads are a way for investors to place bets on market behavior. You can use options spreads to manage risk and maximize profits. Learn more about options spreads and how they work.

Credit spreads are a type of option trading strategy that is most popular with option sellers. They reduce the margin required for selling options by a certain amount and provide protection against the perceived risk of unlimited losses. In contrast, debit spreads reduce margin requirements substantially, but have lower returns. A credit spread is often used for inverted markets. It is a good way to trade seasonal tendencies. You can take advantage of both types of markets.

Expiration dates

One of the most important aspects of options trading is the expiration date. Depending on the broker, expiration dates can be half an hour early or several hours early. The reason for this is to give the broker time to notify the exchange of an option holder’s intent to exercise it. However, these dates can vary from exchange to exchange, so it’s important to consult the rules of your broker. Expiration dates can also have a significant effect on how much your trade will cost.

If you’re a new investor, you may not know that expiration dates can make a difference. This is because when you buy an option, you’re buying the right to buy or sell a certain amount of a particular security. However, if you don’t exercise the option before the expiration date, it becomes worthless and the investor loses the money he paid to buy the option. Many option strategies are designed to end on an unexercised contract, so it’s important to remember when the expiration date is so you don’t lose money.

Value of options

When options are traded, they are often purchased with a premium, or the price at which the investor will receive the option. The premium fluctuates based on the price of the underlying asset, which is known as the intrinsic value. Many pricing models for options are available, but they all incorporate concepts such as rational pricing, moneyness, and put-call parity. The premium for the option is usually higher than the intrinsic value, but there are exceptions.

Despite the fact that time value is important in options trading, investors should understand what intrinsic value means. In short, intrinsic value is the amount an investor would pay for an option before it expires. The higher the time value, the higher the premium. But there is another important difference between time value and intrinsic value: the time value is the amount an investor is willing to pay over the intrinsic value, or price. This time value is determined by the investor’s hope that the underlying stock or option will increase in value before the option expires.