Would you like to meet the Butterfly Effect group? If you are a customer of Santander You can participate in the draw for 20 passes for December 16 in Madrid.
If you meet the following requirements you can participate in this draw: be a Santander customer and be a fan of the Butterfly Effect.
And participating will be as easy as filling out a form, so if you know all the songs by this band, don't hesitate to win your pass.
They will be drawn 20 accesses to meet the Mariposa Effect group in person, on December 16, 2023 at the Vogue Flower Market, in Madrid.
How do I participate in the Santander draw?
Remember that the draw will only be for Santander customers.
You have up to December 12th to participate.
You can consult the legal bases in this link.
The information reflected in this article is dated 12-09-2023. Almost all of the content we report on is organized by third parties and is therefore unrelated to us. This makes it necessary that, when visiting them, you check whether the conditions that currently exist in their media are still these.
Written on: 09-12-2023 | (Valid until: 12-12-2023 or end of stock) | by Claudia | Comment