Reform of the Council of the Judiciary Soria exposes in

The Minister of Justice, Martin Soriawill be presented today before a plenary session of commissions of the Chamber of Deputies to present about the project that seeks to reform the Judicial Council. The measure was promoted by the ruling party and already has half a sanction in the Senate.

With the objective of achieving the complete sanction of a measure that seeks to create a Judicial Council of 17 members, Soria will present before the commissions of Constitutional Matters and of Justice at 11. At the same time, the Secretary of Justice, John Martin Mena was also invited.

In this way, the fourth informative meeting will be held to discuss the project that achieved half sanction in the Senate and which also proposes the creation of four federal regions for its operation.

In this sense, in dialogue with Télam, Rodolfo Tailhadehead of the commission Justice of the Chamber of Deputiesexplained that “within the framework of the hearings that we have been carrying out, in tomorrow’s plenary session we are going to listen to the Minister of Justice and the Secretary of Justice who are coming to make a presentation on the project that has received partial sanction from the Senate. It is a meeting briefing with officials.

Thus, the front of all will seek to achieve the necessary consensus to be able to approve the initiative in its entirety. The problem is that in the parliamentary body that leads Serge Massa, the ruling party does not have the number of votes to be able to give the project the green light. Also, from Together for Change They already anticipated their negative vote.

By Geeke