Raffle of 4 sets of shadows Camaleon Cosmetics

Color your look with 4 lots of 6 duo palettes of the brand Chameleon Cosmetics that are distributed in this draw.

You can take home a very complete lot with shadows of different colors and different finishes.

And it is that each occasion requires a shade different, one that adapts to the plan, the rhythm of life and the looks.

You will see that they are very practical and easy to apply products.

They all include a composition of aloe vera and rosehip so that your eyelids do not suffer from makeup.

So don’t think about it, cheer up because they will be sharing 4 lots made up of:

1 Black & Beige Eyeshadow Palette1 Pink & Maroon Eyeshadow Palette1 Terracotta & Peach Eyeshadow Palette1 Brown & Beige Eyeshadow Palette1 Blue & Black Eyeshadow Palette1 Beige & Peach Eyeshadow Palette

How do I participate in the Camaleon Cosmetics raffle?

Take part

And that’s it, it’s that simple you can participate in this draw until May 2 from 2022

Stay on top of your email notifications because you will be contacted 4 winners via 1 email.

Good luck!

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Written on: 04-20-2022 | (Valid until: 05-02-2022 or end of stock) | by Laura | Comment

By Geeke