Proxima a ti is raffling off a E50 Amazon card

Give your opinion on Evax products and enter the draw for a €50 Amazon card so you can buy what you want.

It's time to give your opinion on Evax products, and as you already know, it is a brand of feminine hygiene products that help you feel comfortable and safe every month during your period.

All their products are based on quality, safety and comfort for women.

If you have already tried any Evax product, you will know that you can feel safe, protected, and with total freedom of movement during those days.

Write a review about one of their products, to be able to enter the draw for a €50 Amazon card.

How do I participate in the Proxima a ti draw?


We cannot find the legal bases, so we do not know until when the draw will end.

If you can give your opinion now, much better.


Note: I leave an estimated end date of the promotion, below, for tracking purposes.

The information reflected in this article is dated 02-23-2024. Almost all of the content we report on is organized by third parties and is therefore unrelated to us. This makes it necessary that, when visiting them, you check whether the conditions that currently exist in their media are still these.

Written on: 02-23-2024 | (Valid until: 02-29-2024 or end of stock) | by Claudia | Comment

By Geeke