Miniplanta gives away 140 free plants for 2 days Madrid

if you live in Madrid and you like plants, do not miss this promotion of mini plants in which they will be given away 140 miniplants on a first-come, first-served basis June 3 and 4.

These plants will be distributed in the 80 Princess street, 28008 Madrid. Specifically, in the Greyhounders optics.

So don’t let the opportunity pass you by, because the first 70 people in going to the store on June 3 and 4, they will take one of the mini plants available for this campaign.

Try to go as soon as possible and taking into account the schedule aperture of the optic which is:

Friday, June 3, from 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday, June 4, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. And in the afternoon from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

In addition, among all those who collect one of these mini plants will enter a lottery of plants for all 1 year.

And you can also see the main brand care products and special prices.

How do I get the MiniPlanta offer for free?

Check the hours of the optical center where the mini plants are distributed Come as soon as possible to be one of the first And claim your mini plant

get offer

You can see the official announcement of this promotion at Miniplanta gives away 140 mini plants totally free in Madrid.

Keep in mind that this event takes place in an optical center so it is necessary that you wear a mask to enter.

This promotion will end on Saturday June 4 from 2022 at 8:00 p.m.

Go for your Mini Plant!

(Click on the category if you want to see more promotions of this type) Gift: 140 free mini plants Link:Miniplanta gives away 140 free plants for 2 days (Madrid) Mechanics: Check the hours of the optical center where the mini plants are distributed, come as soon as possible to be one of the first and claim your mini plant Bases Not Found Time: 3 Minutes + Purchase Time

The information reflected in this article is dated 06-03-2022. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when you visit them, you check if the conditions that exist at that time in their media continue to be these.

Written on: 06-03-2022 | (Valid until: 06-04-2022 or end of stock) | by Laura | Comment

By Geeke