Mass postponement in the Faculty of Medicine of the UNLP

Mass postponement in the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of La Plata. Last week, some 1,000 students showed up to take the first face-to-face partial since the return of face-to-face classes after the Covid-19 pandemic and the results were alarming: 800 were failed.

Unfortunately, the situation is not new. The college has a history of widespread procrastination. Until a few years ago, the filter occurred in the entrance exam. With that instance removed -due to the demonstrations-, the first year became very complicated for the students, especially after the virtuality imposed by the pandemic.

The chair in question in Anatomy C, led by Dr. Ángel Narduzzi. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” said the teacher, with a long academic career. “Before we were around 60% approved and now we are talking about nothing more than 20%. The result fell significantly,” he expanded, in dialogue with the newspaper El Día.

Narduzzi said the exam “wasn’t complex at all” and denied that they had increased the difficulty of the questions. “They were very simple, to the point that there are practically no complaints from the students. More than developing an answer, what they had to do was observe a part of an anatomical preparation and describe what it was, recognize if it was a nerve, an artery, a vein, a muscle, etc. They were very rude things and they did not know how to explain them, “he described.

After knowing the qualifications, the students concentrated this Tuesday at the doors of the faculty to repudiate the situation and demand a recovery instance, in addition to the return to full attendance.

By Geeke