raffle for him Ines Rosales Father’s Day in which you can win one of the 10 lots of pestiños and donuts.
Tell us if your dad is more pestiño or more donut and win one of the 10 lots.
The mini donuts by Inés Rosales are true confectionery specialties made by hand according to the traditional Andalusian recipe.
Sweet of fried dough, which is characterized by its sponginess and taste of cinnamon.
pestiños with honey Inés Rosales is a fried dough sweet flavored with sesame and cinnamon, characteristic of Andalusia, made in a traditional way.
How do I participate in the Inés Rosales draw?
Take part
If you have a private account, send a screenshot of the story.
You have time until March 24th of 2022 to participate.
The winners will be announced through a comment on Facebook and must send an email with their personal information.
Luck! ?
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Written on: 03-19-2022 | (Valid until: 03-24-2022 or end of stock) | by Laura | Comment