hash11 cryptocurrency etf outperforms b3s top etf in number of investors

HASH11 cryptocurrency ETF outperforms B3's top ETF in number of investors

The HASH11 first ETF criptomoedas of Brazil, reached the number of 130 000 shareholders in 2021. Now, the fund has more to investors than BOVA11, the main ETF traded on B3.

According to the latest data, BOVA11 – which replicates the shares of the Ibovespa index – had almost 126,000 shareholders in December. In other words, the fund has 4,000 less shareholders than HASH11.

Launched by crypto asset manager Hashdex in April 2021, HASH11 replicates the Hashdex Nasdaq Crypto Index. This, in turn, is based on the Nasdaq Crypto Index (NCI), created by the manager in partnership with the US stock exchange Nasdaq.

Fund hits record in less than a year

More impressive than these numbers is the time difference between both ETFs . While BOVA11 was created 14 years ago, HASH11 is not even a year old. That is, the fund needed less than 10% of BOVA11's lifetime to overcome it.

With the HASH11 brand, B3 now has three ETFs with over 100,000 shareholders. The largest is IVVB11, a fund that replicates the S&P 500 index, with 176,000 shareholders.

In total, the Brazilian stock exchange registered 505,000 ETF investors in 2021, of which 499,500 were individuals. This means that HASH11 has almost 25% of all shareholders in this market, which consolidates the Brazilian preference for investing in cryptocurrencies.

Additionally, B3 ended the standard lot of ETFs in September 2020, which means that investors can buy from a quota. Thus, if it used to take R$1,000 to buy a batch of ETFs that cost R$100, it is now possible to purchase just one.

This factor increases the access of ETFs to small investors. At the same time, ETFs represent a more practical and safer form of exposure to cryptocurrencies.

After the success of HASH11, five more ETFs were launched on the market, three of them created by the manager. The BITH11 and ETHE11 ETFs invest 100% in Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), while the recent DEFI11 focuses on cryptoassets geared towards decentralized finance (DeFi).

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By Geeke