Gift minigloo for inviting 3 friends to ecolatrists

The initiative continues ecolaters where you can get totally free a minigloo to recycle glass at home.

Yesterday International Earth Day this promotion was shared a lot.

It consists of you inviting ecolatrists to register at three friends or relatives.

If you get it they will send you free home a mini igloo similar to the one in the picture.

There are several things to keep in mind:

For the promotion to work you an email should arrive when your 3 guests sign up to ecolaters.

Important: Yesterday that email did not reach everyone and in most cases it took several hours to arrive.

I tell you this to say that success is not 100% guaranteed but if you want to try it, the initiative is worth being known.

ecolaters is a very interesting environmental platform that aims to give voice and spread all the ideas and initiatives that fight for responsible consumption and sustainability.

How do I get the Ecolatras gift?

Go into Ecólatras, gift of a Miniglú.Sign up with the Google account option. You will receive a welcome email with your invitation code. If it does not arrive, go to your profile and click on the button «Want a free Minigloo?». Share the code with your friends and ask them to register in ecolatras.

get gift

If you get the 3 records You should receive the final email with which you will be given access to order the free Minigloo.

As we mentioned above, that email may not arrive but we will tell you about the promotion in case you want to try it.

Many of those emails arrived yesterday, hopefully you can get it too and thus start recycle glass in such an original way.

Good luck!

You can check the legal bases in this link.

(Click on the category if you want to see more promotions of this type) Gift: Recycling miniglos and Prizes for sustainable projects Link:Gift minigloo for inviting 3 friends to ecolatrists Mechanics:Register or log in to the Ecólatras portal and support an initiative or create your own for the contestBasesEnlaceTime:3 Minutes

The information reflected in this article is dated 04-23-2022. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when you visit them, you check if the conditions that exist at that time in their media continue to be these.

Written on: 04-23-2022 | (Valid until: 12-31-2022 or end of stock) | by Laura | Comment

By Geeke