draw of 5 Hofmann albums with cloth cover

Keep your best memories in one of the 5 Hofmann albums with cloth cover that are distributed in this simple draw.

The magazine Hello! wants to give away among all its subscribers a precious Photo album so that your summer memories can be stored on your shelf.

And it is that, surely, most of your photos are in digital format.

But with this award you can fill up to 122 pages with your best memories and always have them on a physical medium.

Specifically, they will be raffling:

5 Hofmann albums 21 x 29 cm premium fabric uprights with a rigid fabric cover padded thanks to the foam inside.

You can customize the rest of the album’s characteristics through the Hofmann online program, such as paper thickness, type of binding, cover design, etc.

How do I participate in the Hola Magazine giveaway?

Take part

You can participate until June 30th of 2022.

And on Friday 1st of July From 2022 the draw will be held in which the 5 winners will be contacted by email.

You will receive, just for participating, a 10% discount at Hofmann.

Good luck!

You can consult the legal bases on the same page of the promotion, (from here it does not let me link them).

QUICK REFERENCE SHEETCategory:Free Contests – Free Giveaways – Free Prizes
(Click on the category if you want to see more promotions of this type) Gift: 5 Hofmann albums with cloth cover Link:draw of 5 Hofmann albums with cloth cover Mechanics: Register or log in to the Hola Magazine portal and answer the question: What memories would you like to make your Hofmann album with? let me link them). Time: 2 Minutes

The information reflected in this article is dated 06-17-2022. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when you visit them, you check if the conditions that exist at that time in their media continue to be these.

Written on: 06-17-2022 | (Valid until: 06-30-2022 or end of stock) | by Laura | Comment

By Geeke