Draw of 16 Moulinex kitchen robots

Now buying the little cheeses The cow that laughs you can enter the weekly draw for 1 Moulinex food processor.

Enjoy the different formats and the great flavor of this classic and versatile cheese Made in Navarre.

With which you can give free rein to your imagination in the kitchen and use it to enhance the flavor of your desserts and dishes.

So don’t think about it and get one of these Laughing Cow products that will give you access to participate in this draw:

La Vaca Que Rie Original (8, 16 and 24 portions)La Vaca Que Rìe Light (8,16 and 24 portions)La Vaca Que Ríe Tranchetes (7,14, 22 and 44 portions)La Vaca Que Ríe Tranchetes Light (7 and 14 portions) La Vaca Que Ríe Original Cream 150g

And for each purchase, you can participate in this magnificent contest and win one of the 16 awards:

Clickchef Black Kitchen Robot with Moulinex Steamer valued at €299.

How do I participate in the draw for La Vaca Que Ríe?

Buy one of the promotional products of La Vaca que RíeGo into Draw of 16 Moulinex food processors.Register or log in to the portalEnter the purchase receipt numberUpload a photograph of your purchase receipt

Take part

You will immediately know if your participation has been a winner.

Otherwise, you will be able to participate again with new purchase tickets until June 30th of 2022.

If you buy more than 1 promotional product, try to have them in different tickets so you can participate several times.

Good luck!

You can check the legal bases in this link.

QUICK REFERENCE SHEETCategory:Sweepstakes by purchase
(Click on the category if you want to see more promotions of this type)Gift: 16 Moulinex kitchen robotsLink:Draw of 16 Moulinex kitchen robots Mechanics:Buy one of the La Vaca que Ríe promotional products, register or log in to the portal, enter the purchase receipt number and upload a photograph of your purchase receiptBasesLinkTime:3 Minutes + Purchase Time

The information reflected in this article is dated 03-23-2022. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when you visit them, you check if the conditions that exist at that time in their media continue to be these.

Written on: 03-23-2022 | (Valid until: 06-30-2022 or end of stock) | by Laura | Comment

By Geeke