The trio made up of Ricardo Mollo, Diego Arnedo and Catriel Ciavarella The recital began promptly at 10 pm, with a video in which Mollo interprets the National Anthem dressed in a white overall, together with the Mendoza Philharmonic Orchestra.

“Here we are, as if nothing had happened, 21 years later,” Mollo said from a stage full of lights and sound towers, regarding the band’s last performance in Ushuaia, in 2001.

With “Sports parade”, “Almost a statue”, “So many glasses” and “Pudding soul” The Rock Steamroller warmed up the multitude of Fuegians who began to jump and sing the songs.

The playlist continued with the rock version of “I’ve got”from Sandro, “Mole Life”, “Tile” and “Saturday”which were followed by powerful versions of “What do you see”, “How are you”the sumo classic “The crazy blonde” and “Rasputin”.

The show then had a series of songs in a more intimate tone, with Mollo and Arnedo sitting down and songs like “Like a story”, “Spaghetti del rock” and “Par mil” performed almost a cappella.

But the energy of the show again had high peaks with the chacarera “Strike of love” and the classic version of “The muleteer”to which were added without pause “Go shopping”Pappo’s theme “Dirty and untidy” and “Poppy 66”.


After more hits like “Paisano de Hurlingham” and “Paraguay”Mollo took the idea that a follower proposed to him at the Ushuaia Airport and asked to do a “women’s pogo” with the theme “cute sky”which quickly caught on among the female audience.

The farewell was at full power with “The 38”, “Delta wing” and Sumo themes “Crua chan” and “The armored eye”.

It was before Mollo left the stage to greet and hug with the fans of the band, while Arnedo and Ciavarella continued to interpret the last chords of the song in an electrifying and emotional finale.

The last evening of the “Longest Night” thus concluded after eleven nights in which more than a thousand artists from ten musical genres welcomed winter.

The festival refers to the time of year when the day has less sunlight, which in Tierra del Fuego (due to its geographical location) translates into days where it dawns around 10 in the morning and gets dark shortly after 17.

June 21, considered the shortest day of the year, and therefore the “Longest Night”, celebrates the arrival of the winter season and also the consequent lengthening of the hours of sunlight from then on.

The Fuegian party has just been recognized with the “Country Brand” granted by the Ministry of Tourism, and in this edition it was broadcast live on different platforms.

By Geeke