regalo directo orange 48000 neceseres

Whether you are a customer or not Orange You can participate in their draw for multiple prizes or obtain a direct gift of a toiletry bag for registering.

It’s that easy and without further requirements.

Orange has launched a game of Augmented reality soccer-themed in which you can win one of the 133 awards:

50 55” LG Smart TVs50 sports bags33 coupons of €200

But if you do not want to play, you can request your code with which you can collect a completely free Makeup bag like the one in the cover image of this post.

How do I get the gift of Orange?

From a smartphone you must scan a QR that is in multiple Orange materials and that will take you to the next url.To get the toiletry bag, click on the arrow (you don’t have to click on the play button). Fill in the form to receive an SMSPut the code received from the SMS in the form.

Get Gift

You will get another SMS with a new code that will be the one you must show in the Orange store.

With the, while stocks lastthey will give you the toiletry bag totally free.

As I mentioned above, you do not need to be a customer to get the gift.

Note: Although there are 48,000 toiletry bags, it is possible that they will run out soon as there are many stores and it is a gift that will be very popular.

You can consult the legal bases in this link.

The information reflected in this article is dated 07-29-2023. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when visiting them, you check if the conditions that exist at that moment in their media continue to be the same.

Written on: 07-29-2023 | (Valid until: 09-30-2023 or while stocks last) | by Laura | Comment

By Geeke