Coviran raffles 10 Henkel lots

Saving money on cleaning products is the dream of many. Participate in the draw of Coviran and earn a Henkel lot valued at more than € 50.

Although we do not perceive it every week, at the end of the month the cost of detergents can be a considerable amount.

If your goal is to save on clothing detergent, pay attention to this raffle.

He prize It will consist of the delivery of 10 Henkel lots valued at approximately € 50.

To be able to participate in this raffle you must buy a product of Micolor, Dixan or WIPP.

How do I participate in the Coviran raffle?

Make a purchase of a malleolo product, dixan or wipp using the Coviran Cardo Family Card in a Coviran supermarket Coviran raffles 10 Henkel lotsComplete the form


Active promotion of January 28, 2025, until 23:59 of the day February 8 of 2025.


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The information reflected in this article is dated 01-28-2025. The almost totality of content on which we organize the third parties and therefore are oblivious to us. That makes it necessary that, when visiting them, you check if the conditions that exist at that time in their means of dissemination remain these.

Written on: 01-28-2025 | (Valid to: 08-02-2025 or end of stocks) | by Claudia | Comment

By Geeke