A New Project of Family Club is active and 1 PACK of smartwatch Shaul 5536 + DONNA plus Safromotive is raffled weekly to improve your good mood.
Performing physical activity regularly favors good physical and mental health, contributes to a good mood, state of mind and feeling good about oneself.
To help you achieve this, Club Familias invites you to participate in the plan Safromotive with the help of the Shaul multifunction smartwatch, which is used to carry out all kinds of sports and leisure activities, and with DONNA plus Safromotive, your ally for emotional well-being.
each of the 10 packs that are raffled contain:
1 Shaul Smartwatch: With a sporty design, with Bluetooth connection and rechargeable with a strap in TPU material and its 0.66-inch OLED screen, it is the perfect gadget for all kinds of sports and leisure activities. 7 sachets of 2 capsules of DONNAplus Safromotive: Food supplement that supports the state of relaxation, physical and mental well-being and promotes good humor.
How do I participate in the Club Familias draw?
It is necessary to be registered in Familias que Saben on the Club Familias website. If you are already registered, log in with your username on the “Promotion It’s time to live positively”If you are not, register right away. You must answer a registration questionnaire hosted on the Familias Que Saben landing page.
Take part
You have time until April 17th of 2022.
The winners will receive an email announcing that they have been the lucky ones.
Luck! ?
You can check the legal bases in this link.
The information reflected in this article is dated 09-04-2022. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when you visit them, you check if the conditions that exist at that time in their media continue to be these.
Written on: 04-09-2022 | (Valid until: 04-17-2022 or end of stock) | by Laura | Comment