Club Carrefour distributes 17 prizes of E100 in Savings Check

Participate in this raffle Club Carrefour in which they distribute among their members 17 prizes of €100 as a Savings Check.

celebrate the 17th birthday of the Carrefour Club by participating in this draw and benefiting more than ever from being part of this club.

So don’t miss it because participating is very simple and it won’t take you more than two minutes to leave your registration.

And if you are not yet part of the Carrefour Club, don’t think about it, sign up and participate.

thousands of waiting for you Benefits such as raffles, discounts and a large community full of advice, practical and useful information.

17 prizes of €100 will be distributed that you can use in Carrefour purchases with your Savings Check.

How do I participate in the Carrefour draw?

Make sure you are already part of the Carrefour Club, otherwise sign up here.Go into Carrefour raffle 17 prizes of €100.You can also participate on Facebook from this link.Give ‘like’ to the raffle post If you participate from Instagram follow @kai_clubcarrefour the dog community of Carrefour.And also ‘like’ the anniversary postMention in the comments 2 friends with whom you would share the prize.Describe in your comment The Carrefour Club in 3 words and what extra advantage you would like to have.Use the #ElClubCarrefour in your comments

Take part

You can participate until 12th of July of 2022.

You can participate as many times as you want by leaving different comments and tagging different people.

Be very original with your answers because the most creative ones will be chosen as winners.

Between the 13th and the July 20th the winners will be mentioned in the giveaway post, so be very attentive.


You can check the legal bases in this link.

The information reflected in this article is dated 06-07-2022. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when you visit them, you check if the conditions that exist at that time in their media continue to be these.

Written on: 06-07-2022 | (Valid until: 07-12-2022 or end of stock) | by Laura | Comment

By Geeke