dh gate

Cancel Dhgate Order It is easy as long as the seller has not sent the item, if the seller has sent the item you will have to wait for it to arrive to be able to cancel the order and return it or request a refund on Dhgate.

1-How to cancel the order on Dhgate

We go to the top where it says “My order” or “My orders” and we click.

Cancel Dhgate Order

Then it will take you to the page where you have all your orders and you can cancel the order as follows:

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If you just placed the order on Dhgate and the payment is processing, you will see a button that says “Cancel Order” o «Cancel order» once you click on «Cancel order» or «Cancel order» they will ask you the reason why you want cancel it and the following steps will be very easy to do.

Now, if a few hours have passed since you placed the order on Dhgate, the “Cancel Order” or “Cancel order” button will not appear, the “Request Refund” or “Refund Request” button will appear.

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Once clicked you canrequest refund Dhgate by completing the following form.

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Now you must choose the reason and the reason why you want cancel and receive the refund, in this case I have selected “Items not now required” or “Elements that I no longer need” and in the reason I have put “I regret to buy it” or “I regret buying it” then we will choose full refund or Full refund ( Since we want to receive the full Dhgate refund) we then send the request by clicking on Submit reguest or Send request.

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You will already have the Dhgate refund request requested, now you will have to wait for the seller to accept the Refund, if they did not, you can contact Dhgate and they will speak on your behalf by returning the money.

This process usually takes 3 to 4 days weekdays

By Geeke