A typical family needed 100000 to stay below the poverty

The cost of the basic food basket (CBA) rose 4.6% in May, so a family group made up of two adults and two minors needed to receive income of $44,498.60 to avoid falling into poverty, as reported on Tuesday. the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec).

In order not to fall below the poverty line, the typical family needed $99,676.85, as determined by INDEC in its calculations for the value of the Total Basic Basket (CBT), which includes food and basic services for the subsistence of the group. family in a month.

The interannual increase in the CBT was 54.66%, nearly 6 points below inflation. And with the increase of 4.6% in May they accumulate 30.9% in the first five months of the year. Meanwhile, the CBA had a year-on-year advance of 62.26% and a rise of 4.6% against the previous month; In this way, it has accumulated a 35% rise since January.

The difference between the variations of the different baskets refers to the fact that the CBA only includes food, which accumulates a year-on-year increase of 64%; This is why lower-income households spend most of their income on buying food, which is why they suffer the greatest impact. On the other hand, the Total Basic Basket shows a smaller increase because with the other items they compensate the final result.

The data released by INDEC on Tuesday show a strong rise in the food sector, despite the fact that the increase has slowed in recent months.

By Geeke