With Feliway Optimum Your cat will be more relaxed than ever! Participate in this raffle to win a whole year of this free product.
If you have a cat you will know how difficult it can become when it is stressed or has aggressive behaviors.
Feliway Optimum is a complex of feline pheromones that helps cats to feel safer and calm.
It provides tranquility and reduces behaviors such as marking with urine, scratches, tensions and conflicts between cats and stress.
In this raffle you can win everything A year of Feliway Optimum Electric diffuser format.
How do I participate in the Feliway raffle?
You have until February 2 of 2025.
The information reflected in this article is dated 01-30-2025. The almost totality of content on which we organize the third parties and therefore are oblivious to us. That makes it necessary that, when visiting them, you check if the conditions that exist at that time in their means of dissemination remain these.
Written on: 01-30-2025 | (Valid to: 02-02-2025 or end of stocks) | by Claudia | Comment