500 free lots of Recondo bread products

Participate in this draw in which, for every 2 packs of Recondo toasted breadyou can enter the draw for one of the 500 lots free.

So now is the time to enjoy your toasts favorites, since each pair will give you 1 more participation.

Get out a pen and paper to write down exactly what products They are the ones that enter this promotion and look for them in your favorite supermarket:

Rustic Loaf 240gr. Loaf 9 Cereals and Seeds 240gr. 100% Integral Loaf with Pipes 240gr. Bio Loaf 240gr. Chapata 180gr.

So now you know, you can participate as many times as you purchase the same or combined products.

Cheer up! because there will be 500 lots up for grabs and each contains:

100% Whole Grain Sesame and Linen Toasted Bread: gross weight 330 gr. Cereal Toasted Bread: gross weight 330 gr. 100% Whole Grain Loaf with seeds: gross weight 282 gr. Rustic Loaf: gross weight 282 gr. Bread to dip Integral with pipes: gross weight 90 gr. Mini Rustic Ciabatta: gross weight 147 gr.

How do I participate in the Recondo draw?

Acquire 2 equal or combined promotional products from RecondoGo into Draw 500 lots Recondo.Fill in the form with your personal dataAnd with the data of your purchaseUpload the purchase receipt of the 2 promotional products

Take part

And at the moment you will know if you have been the winner of one of the 500 Recondo lots.

You can participate before April 30th of 2022.

Keep in mind that you can participate several times, but only Once a day and with different purchase receipts.

And that you can only upload 1 purchase receipt, so the minimum 2 products must appear together.

Also, if you buy more than 2 products, such as 4, 6, 8… try to separate them into different purchase receipts so that each pair is worth 1 participation.

Good luck!

You can check the legal bases in this link.

QUICK REFERENCE SHEETCategory:Sweepstakes by purchase
(Click on the category if you want to see more promotions of this type) Gift: 500 free batches of Recondo bread products Link:500 free lots of Recondo bread products Mechanics:Buy 2 identical or combined Recondo promotional products, fill in the form with your personal data and the data of your purchase and upload the purchase receipt of the 2 promotional productsBasesLinkTime:3 Minutes + Purchase Time

The information reflected in this article is dated 04-24-2022. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when you visit them, you check if the conditions that exist at that time in their media continue to be these.

Written on: 04-24-2022 | (Valid until: 04-30-2022 or end of stock) | by Laura | Comment

By Geeke