2000 E2 rebates for Zespri SunGold Kiwis

Register the ticket for a minimum purchase of €4 at Kiwis Zespri SunGold to get your refund €2.

Zespri SunGold kiwifruit is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin Cwhich favors the strengthening of the body’s immune system by reinforcing its natural defenses.

Contribute fiberwhich helps fight constipation and facilitates digestion.

It also contains other vitamins and minerals of high nutritional value.

The Zespri Sungold Organic variety, in addition to the benefits of Zespri SunGold mentioned above, meets the strict New Zealand organic quality and safety standards.

The summer It is an ideal time to savor this delicious sweet and fresh fruit at any time and place and thus help to cool down and satisfy the appetite.

The products participants in the promotion are:

Zespri Sungold. Zespri Sungold Organic.

How do I get a Zespri refund?

To participate it is necessary to receive the invitation through a unique participation code. Make a minimum purchase of €4 in Zespri SunGold Kiwis and keep the purchase receipt.Access the “Zespri Sungold Refund Promotion”Fill in the registration form with the requested data. Upload an image of the purchase receipt and include the code. Upload an image of the Zespri products purchased.

Request Refund

You have time from June 22 to July 22 2022, but they may sell out sooner.

Refund conditions:

Refunds will be made via bank transfer within a maximum period of 20 days. Refunds are limited to one per person and bank account. The Promotion is limited to users with an invitation.

Go for it!

You can check the legal bases in this link.

(Click on the category if you want to see more promotions of this type)Gift:2,000 €2 refund for Zespri SunGold KiwisLink:2,000 €2 rebates for Zespri SunGold Kiwis Mechanics:Register the ticket for a minimum purchase of €4 in Zespri SunGold Kiwis in promotion to get your refund.BasesLinkTime:3 + purchase time

The information reflected in this article is dated 06-24-2022. Almost all of the content on which we report is organized by third parties and therefore is alien to us. This makes it necessary that, when you visit them, you check if the conditions that exist at that time in their media continue to be these.

Written on: 06-24-2022 | (Valid until: 07-22-2022 or end of stock) | by Laura | 2 Comments

By Geeke