Join our channel Whatsapp by clicking here and we will notify you in real time of samples that sell out quickly (so you can be one of the first to order them).
Attention because Your Club House is going to give away 1,000 portable refrigerators to the first to participate in this promotion by purchasing 2 lotions Bloom.
So, in this very simple way, you can get this beautiful portable refrigerator:
Shopping 2 products participants and upload the image of the purchase receipt. That's it.
These are the products that give the right to get the gift:
Lotion 100ml Aloe VeraLotion 100ml TropicalLotion 100ml InvisibleLotion 100ml Sport
The size of the refrigerator they give is 24cm wide by 14cm high.
And it has an approximate value of €6.
Bloom Derm It protects you from mosquito bites for up to 7 hours depending on the model chosen.
How do I get Bloom's gift?
Get Gift
You can participate until July 31, 2024 or until they run out refrigerators available.
Whatever happens before.
If I were you, I would run and get them since I think they will last very little given that this is a great gift.
If you are among the first 1,000 Your Club House will send you an email later.
You can consult the legal bases in this link.
QUICK CONSULTATION SHEETCategory:Gifts for purchase
(Click on the category if you want to see more promos of this type) Gift: 1000 portable refrigerators Link:1000 Bloom portable coolers Mechanics:Buy 2 Bloom lotions and upload ticketBasesLinkTime:3 Minutes + Purchase Time
The information reflected in this article is dated 03-15-2024. Almost all of the content we report on is organized by third parties and is therefore unrelated to us. This makes it necessary that, when visiting them, you check whether the conditions that currently exist in their media are still these.
Written on: 03-15-2024 | (Valid until: 07-31-2024 or end of stock) | by Laura | Comment