1 year draw of IPA beers

Do not miss the opportunity to participate in this very simple draw of Brewers in which you only have to register and be able to win 1 whole year of IPAs.

In less than 1 minute you can register and try your luck in this community where true beer lovers reside.

Can you imagine a whole year enjoying the best selection of IPA beers and being able to share them with your loved ones?

And it is that the first golden rule of any Brewer is that, the beer shared, tastes much better.

So don’t hesitate, because you could win a year of IPAs that correspond to 15 packs with:

12 units of Mahou Cinco Estrellas Session IPA (33cl bottle). 6 units of Yakima Valley IPA from San Miguel (33cl bottle). 6 units of Alhambra Reserva Esencia Citra IPA (33cl bottle).

How do I participate in the Brewers draw?

Take part

And that’s it, you can participate until August 7th from 2022

The day August 9 2022 the draw will be held and 1 winner will be chosen

Stay tuned in case it touches you, because you will only have 5 days to answer the email.

Good luck!

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Written on: 08-03-2022 | (Valid until: 08-07-2022 or end of stock) | by Laura | Comment

By Geeke