aliexpress marcas

Hello friends, many times we want to search for clothing brands on Aliexpress… but we don’t find anything or we find them very expensive, the problem is that Aliexpress doesn’t let sellers sell imitation clothes, so if they see an ad with the name of the brand, remove it.

You can also find brand bags on Aliexpress at a good price, you just have to search well. Therefore, I bring you a list with keywords to search trademarks on Aliexpress, where you can find almost all the brands, putting the following brand keywords on aliexpress:

– Super = Japan

– Holbrook = Glasses
– VR 46 = Glasses
– SPY Ken Block

– NB 547 = Fashion Shoes
– Air Max = Sport Shoes
– Cortez = Mythical Zapas
– Force One = Air Force One
– Running shoes = Free Running and you can put the model 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0
– Typical sneakers that are worn now = Canvases

Holister: Hollistants
chicken: horse
lizard: lac
Tomi hirifriri: tommis
Spanish mark of Galician: za**
Marshal: FM
Phyth: AF
Football: Name of the player or team
bear jewelry: bear jewelry
basketball jerseys:basketball jersey
z&ra clothing: z&ara adding several “aaaaa” clothes for children will appear.
sneakers bams:Canvans
Watches: Watches brand
Italian clothing brand: Air Force
Motorcycle jackets? BLSTFF brand: Ganster or Roadmaster Jacket.
Rubber clogs: clogs
Cartridges for nds: nds flash card
Red bottom shoes: Red bottom shoes
Jeans: jeans, by adding the model number you will surely find something more specific. (501,517,…)
Other Brand: GS Raw

Water Boots: wellies or rain boots.

Australian sheepskin boots: searched by model code (5815,5828,5854,1875,5803,3352,…)

Ad1das: Adey, addas, adi, adids, shampooers
Aeropostale: Aero
Alpin3stars: A stars
Am3r1can Eagle: AE
4rm4ni: AR
As1cs: Asics – ASKS, with this you can also find basketball shoes from other brands
B4l3nciaga: Enciaga, VEEVAN
B3lstaf: gangster jacket, Tom Cruise Jacket, BSF (men/women)
B1mba & Lola: Bimba
Burb3rry: Bur, berry
Calv1n klin:ck
Car0lina Herrera: CHHC
Cart1er (watches): c* luxury watch
Casi0: Cassio
Chan3l: cc, DOUBLE C
Cit1zen: AT, BR, COT
Des1gual: sunflower, butterfly, Desigual Spain, unequal spanish
D1esel: Die, Dies, Dsl
D10r: DI*R
DR. M4rt3ns: Martin
H3uer: TOH
Eck0: Rhino
Emp0ri0 Arm4n1: AX, EA, AR, AOR
Fest1na: festina watch
G-st4r r4w: gs – gstar – raw
GLJ3ss: g****, g***s
Hacheme: H*M
Holl1ster and ab3rcrombie: HCO, hollistes, hollistants
Hug0 B0ss: HB
Hunt3r: Rain Waterproof Boots
K3nzo: KENZ
K1pl1ng: Kip
L4cost3: Crocodile, croc
L3v1s: Lev, Levs
Lo3w3: Loe we
L0u1s Vu1tt0n: LV, Louis Bag
M4ng0: mng
Man0l0 Bl4nhik: Manolos
M4rc J4c0bs:MJ
M4ss1moDutt1: massimo, mossimo md, dutti
M1zun0: MZ
M1cha3l K0rs: MK, kors, Michaeled
M0nt Bl4nc: mount
M0schin0: mcdonalds
N4ked P4l3tt3s: NK
N3w B4l4nc3: N shoes
N1ke: NK
O4kl3y: O
Ph1l1pp Ple1n: Philipp, philippe, philipp
Pr4d3: Pra, prd, prd
Boom4: Boo ma
Pur1f1c4ci0n G4rc1a: pg
R4lph L4ur3n: horse, RL, polo
R4yB4n: RB
Role3x: Role
S31k0: SOK
T1ff4ny & Co.: Tif, Tiff, Tiffany, Tiffani
T1ss0t: T17 WATCH
T1mberl4nd: timber
T0mmy H1lf1g3r: Tommis
T0LJs:, bear, teddy bear, tou
UGG: 4ustr4l14n boots
Urb4n D4c4y: UD
V4NS: Vansing
V1ct0ria S3cr3t: VS, Victory
Z4r4: Tsar, ZA, Zapa

That’s all friends, surely you will find many more things than before.

PS: The reproduction of brands is prohibited, I am not responsible for the use that is given to the purchased merchandise.

By Geeke